Monday, February 06, 2006

Weekend happenings...

Had Thomas this whole weekend. He's a good kid and his best buddy Sebastian lives next door. So Saturday night, Thomas and I bought a big pizza and then we had Bomb Pops. Those red/white/blue popsicles kick butt. So Thomas and I are playing video games and he says he needs to go peepee so he goes in the bathrooom and he flushed the toilet. But not before he throws his popsicle stick down the toilet as well. Well, needless to say a damn popsicle stick can make a toilet stopped up. I tried for about 30mins to get it unclogged but to no avail. So the next morning I called my Dad over and he brought over some plumbing tools. I go outside to meet him and to help him get the tools out. When we get back inside, Thomas has assumed his position on the throne. NOOOOOOO!!!!! Damn kid.

Well anyway my Dad brings a closet auger with him. An auger is a long tube with a hook on the end that can grab whatever is in there and you can pull it out. Well, the auger let me feel what was in there but it wasn't coming out. I decided i would just break the stick with the auger and then we started plunging and it finally worked.

Thomas wasn't impressed.

Tonight is the Farmer's Tourney. The buy-in is $50 and there are unlimited rebuys for the first hour. Then an additional add-on at the break. They have also added a $20 headhunter bounty where each player is given a chip and if you are busted you have to give up your chip. If you are busted out then you only have to give up your chip and any extra you are allowed to cash out. So not a bad deal. I'll play $120 worth in the tourney and if i lose this i'll try and win it back at the side games.


Blogger TheHugeGuy said...

Those commercials where the farmers say that their life sucks because big company farms are powering their little farms out are full of lies. The commercial should say, "We can't afford to keep our farms because we lose all of our money to steeler247 at the poker game."

February 06, 2006 5:37 PM  
Blogger steeler247 said...

Lets just say i'm for Farm Subsidies and leave it at that.

February 06, 2006 6:16 PM  

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